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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What is Internet ?

What is the Internet?
What is Internet ?

Internet (Inter-Network) is a set of computer network that connects academic sites, government, commercial, organization, or individuals. The Internet provides access to telekomnunikasi services and information resources for millions of users spread across the world. Internet services include direct communication (email, chat), discussions (Usenet News, email, mailing lists), distributed information resources (World Wide Web, Gopher), remote login and file traffic (Telnet, FTP), and various other services .Networks that make up the Internet works based on a set of standard protocols used to connect computer networks and address on the network traffic. The protocol sets out the allowable data format, error handling (error handling), message traffic, and other communications standards. On internet standard protocol known as TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol). This protocol has the ability to work on all types of computers, without being influenced by differences in hardware and operating system used.A computer system is connected directly to the network has a domain name and IP address (Internet Protocol) in numeric form with a certain format as an identifier. The Internet also has a gateway to the network and other protocol-based services.

Internet History 

Forerunner of the Internet as we know it today was first developed in 1969 by the United States Department of Defense with the name of the ARPAnet (U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). ARPAnet was built with the goal to create a computer network that spread to avoid the centralization of information at one point considered prone to be destroyed in case of war. In this way expected if one part of the network is disconnected, then the path through the network can be automatically transferred to other channels.In the early 1980s, ARPANET was split into two networks, the ARPANET and MILNET (a military network), but both have a relationship so that communication between the network can still be made. At first this interconnection network called the DARPA Internet, but eventually called the Internet only. Afterward, the Internet began to be used for academic interests by linking several universities, each of UCLA, the University of California at Santa Barbara, University of Utah, and Stanford Research Institute. This was followed by the opening of Usenet and Bitnet service that allows Internet access by means of a personal computer (PC). Berkutnya, the standard protocol TCP / IP was introduced in 1982, followed by use of the system DNS (Domain Name Service) in 1984.In 1986 was born the National Science Foundation Network (NSFNET), which links researchers around the country with 5 super computer centers. This network is then developed to connect a variety of other academic network consisting of university-research consortium and the consortium. NSFNET later began to replace the ARPANET as the main research network in the U.S. until March 1990 on the ARPANET was officially dissolved. At the NSFNET was built, the various international networks established and connected to the NSFNET. Australia, Scandinavian countries, Britain, France, Germany, Canada and Japan soon joined into this network.At first, the Internet only offer text-based services, including remote access, email / messaging, and discussion through the newsgroups (Usenet). Graphics-based services such as the World Wide Web (WWW) while it was still not there. There is only a service called Gopher is in some ways much like the web that we know today, except the system works is still text based. Significant progress achieved in 1990 when the World Wide Web was developed by CERN (Particle Physics Laboratory in Switzerland) based on proposals made by Tim Berners-Lee. However, the WWW browser of the first new-born two years later, in 1992 under the name Viola. Viola was launched by Pei Wei and distributed with the CERN WWW. Of course the first Web browser is still very simple, not sophisticated modern browsers we use today.The breakthrough means the other occurred in 1993 when it was set up to run the InterNIC domain registration services. Simultaneously, the White House (White House) began online on the Internet and the United States government passed the National Information Infrastructure Act. Commercial Internet usage began in 1994 spearheaded by the company Pizza Hut, and Internet Banking was first applied by First Virtual. A year later, CompuServe, America Online, and Prodigy start providing access to Internet services for the general public.Meanwhile, we in Indonesia can enjoy the new commercial Internet service in around 1994. Previously, several universities such as University of Indonesia have been first connected to the Internet network through a gateway with a network connecting universities abroad.

Connected to Internet

To connect to the Internet network, the user must use a periodicals service called ISP (Internet Service Provider). The media commonly used is through a phone line (known as PPP, Point to Point Protocol). Users utilize a computer equipped with a modem (modultor and demodulator) to dialup to the ISP's server. Once connected to the ISP's server, the user's computer is ready to use to access the Internet network. Customers will be charged for telephone service plus a variable amount depending on your ISP connection duration.Telephone lines via modem is not the only way to connect to the internet service. Connections can also be done through a dedicated line channels such as ISDN (Integrated System Digital Network) and ADSL (Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line), or via satellite through a VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal). Unfortunately, the alternative-alterantif is relatively quite expensive for the size of individual customers.Today, alternative channels for Internet access more affordable still being developed. Among the alternatives available is via radio waves (radio modem), or through cable TV channels that are currently emerging. Another alternative that is currently under review is by laying the cable channel the flow of data on electricity. In Indonesia, the technology is being tested by PLN in Jakarta, while in developed countries is said to have started promoted.Later, the Internet is also developed for wireless applications (without cable) by using a cell phone. This protocol is used for WAP (Wireless Application Protocol). WAP is the result of cooperation between industries to create an open standards (open standards) based on Internet standards, and several protocols that have been optimized for wireless environments. WAP works in text mode with a speed of about 9.6 kbps.In addition to WAP, also developed GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) as one of the wireless communication standard. Compared with the protocol WAP, GPRS has the advantage in speed that can reach 115 kbps and a broader application support, including graphics and multimedia applications.

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